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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Notes from Tom

Here is a back up copy of Tom the Trainer's notes from 'the day'.

Scholarship: Media Specific Issues

Here are some issues that may be worthwhile considering with teachers

1) Identifying potential candidates – what skills/knowledge do they need to bring to the table? How do you encourage candidates to step up to the plate?
2) What strategy(s) will teachers use to support/teach candidates?
3) Break down what the standard requires students to meet. Demystify the language – use exemplars to see what words like ‘synthesise’ and ‘analyse’ means in a Media schol. context.
4) Assessment specifications 2005: requirements for this year
5) 2004 paper – different approaches to questions?
6) Student responses: Essay writing skills – structure, linking, expanding, supporting, justifying, concluding…can they speculate, argue and justify?
Planning each answer prior to answering – creating a thesis and cogent argument – allowing students to refer to shape of their essay as they go. They can also create a pool of references/resources to use to support argument.
Has candidate displayed depth of knowledge and understanding of topic?
7) What teaching strategies can be shared by teachers to achieve scholarship: sharing ‘best practice’ between teachers
Create a performance descriptor matrix to delineate the differences between levels 1 – 4

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